Winter holidays are over and we got back to business. On Monday we presented our videos to Eija from Super Park and that was exciting because I'm pretty sure that she couldn't imagine even in her wildest dreams how good they're going to be. We also presented our thinking how they should improve their marketing in social media and marketing altogether. My thoughts were true, all groups got only positive feedback and Eija was thrilled. I think Super Park will rise from the ashes to shining star because with the possibilities and potential they have, it would be only fair. Also the winner of which Super Park video got most viewers was revealed and team DigiInspiration won, they got over 1000 views, very nice!
Winner of Super Park assignment, Congratulations DigiInspiration! |
Ilkka held lecture for us about thinking. Only thing you can control 100 % is your own thinking. That's true but it's actually way harder than it sounds. We tried this mental illustration thing in school where you put your eyes closed and think of couple of people close to you, then big problem you have, after that you go the most comfortable place you can think of and ask them what should you do. That was variation of
Napoleon Hill's invisible counselors method. I had unfortunately such a bad focusing day so it didn't work for me this time but I will definitely try that next time when I have a big problem. I've red this article that people only uses 10% of brain capacity and if we were able to use all of it, we could speak telepathically and we could read other's mind. Reading other minds would be probably little scary but super cool, watch the movie
What women want haha. That probably would make world also little quieter place but imagine how different world would be.
Emotional intelligence is pretty awesome thing if you think of it. You recognize your own and others emotions and you can use them to guide your behavior and thinking. Subconscious is very strange but yet awesome thing and power of it can't be denied. It's also one of the things you can affect for example with jedi mind tricks, and i'm not talking about hip hop duo which is also great, check the link
Jedi Mind Tricks
Hahaa got ya! I meant this one
Jedi Mind Tricks, very nice examples how your mind and subconscious can be changed.
Creativity is everything in the world and everyone. I had wrote this to my notebook because it was so well said, it was from one of the voice messages Ilkka showed us during the lecture. Everything and everyone... that's lot of things. This sentence made me realize all the possibilities we had in world and all the possibilities we haven't found yet. As I told in my pitching video that everything is combination of something, I'd like to add that it's also about finding the right combinations.
Talking about videos, we also made greeting video from our group to Kyla Mitsunaga considering her PET talk. All the groups should come up with one question about her talk. I'm really waiting her to answer us! Well that was Monday.
On Friday we got two guest speakers and we got our fourth assignment, nice! First we had presentation held by Jouni Varpelaide from
Nobot company which creates social media solutions for example websites and content in social media. The presentation was awesome and very appealing. I loved that the company keeps young people in the center of it and actually almost all the contracts with customers are made by young employees. That's the way to involve younger people! Nobot's values were also very interesting because their focus was on transparency and lacking of secrets which leads to healthy environment in company. Building trust is crucial. Our assignment was to make short video for them from the book they've made: Guidebook to healthy company (Terveen yrityksen työkirja) which you can download for free on their website. Our video will be from chapter 10 which is about caring, inclusion and celebrating. Task is to create video how those things should be done in our dream working place. Looking forward to it because Nobot was little bit mystic and I wouldn't be surprised if they would use the gestures groups come up with in their company's real life.
Other speaker was Joanna Purosto from MMA (Myynnin ja markkinoinnin ammattilaiset) and I liked it also very much. She presented many basic points about selling but she emphasized meaning of asking the right questions, which is sometimes really hard because you can't read customer's mind. I think every salesman got unique style of selling and it's not about the guidebook which says for example open questions are always so much better than closed ones and you have to follow some specific guideline in every sales event. Environment changes, so should you and you have to comply in each situation you get in. And just to be sure, I don't say that guidebook material is unnecessary, NOO, it's very crucial know the basics and more BUT you don't have to follow it exactly every time, you can think of it more like a red line and everything around the line changes. If you are good enough you don't have to follow every guideline exactly, actually in my opinion when you don't have to do that, you are possibly better than someone else because then you have thought by yourself. As I told you in my last post that it's possible to mix stuff up, pick the best ones, shake them, add your own thinking there and waduuup, you have your unique style. Oh did I mention that if something doesn't work, you can leave it or replace it with something better. I've also noticed that sometimes closed questions are more effective than open ones;D it depends on environment your are in, how impressive you can be and how you have managed to perform the whole sale session. You can be perfect and learn all the books about selling and marketing upside down and still not be the best salesman. My opinion!

Thanks for reading!
- Miikka