sunnuntai 17. huhtikuuta 2016

Chapter 2: Week number 6, Thinglinking, tracking emotions and stuff

Yeah, I know that you missed me last week but sorry it was blog post free week and we also had online exam. It went great, I got full points of it, okay it wasn't the hardest but it needed some thinking though.

On Monday Sani Leino from Thinglink held a presentation for us. Cool, cool and again cool. Very compelling guy with positive and innovative vibes. At first we talked about what are the hottest things in digital world and it was so interesting. Few things popped out, one was Virtual Reality, which is growing really fast. I have tried these VR-glasses and they are pretty cool got to admit. Technique is pretty unique and I'm really waiting how it's going to develop in the future. Second was content marketing and videos which have been on the surface in this course. We have made content and videos for different clients and I have learned the effectiveness of videos because combining voice and visual things are the most effective way to catch audience's attention. There were big list of other things and I would have to write a book if i wanted to handle all of those. Okay one thing more, in my opinion personalization and inclusion are big trends too. Those can be combined and it's growing value that customer's really like that everything is tailored just for them. I think it makes them feel special and respected. I don't know. For example in Nordea's online bank you can personalize the content in there. So basically customer also creates content there. In my opinion very effective because Nordea have created this ''illusion'' that customer creates content also.

What is Thinglink? It's basically interactive image where you can tag picture in picture, links, videos and everything else, if you don't have it yet go and make your own account here. I made my own Thinglink picture about myself. It's like my CV plus more. Check it out here

On Monday we had also this lovely Camilla Tuominen keeping presentation about Emotion tracker. So natural woman, I really liked her style to present and she was herself all the time. She told about importance of knowing what you really feel, for example anquish can be excitment and stuff. That was great lecture and it was relevant this time because I started this Elämäntaito course which is about knowing your feelings, how to prevent stress and how to schedule your life etc. Great lecture but not much about digital marketing and I actually didn't catch how the Emotion tracker actually works.

Feel your feelings
On Friday each group presented what they had came up for Avionboard and Funking. DigiInspiration team had made supercool video for Avionboard, it was simply amazing. Good job! We also presented our video to Funking and it was pretty exciting because we really didn't know if they liked it or not and our ankle was little bit outside of their own which is musicians and artists. Our was not so surprisingly... Football of course. After showing the video to them, they kept a feedback session for us. Outcome was... that they were actually super satisfied and if I remember correctly Ile's comment was F*****g great! Pardon my french. They had also showed it in start up meeting and according to Funking team, teachers were speechless. They also gave us gift card to Stadium because they thought that the video was so great. Thank you really nice gesture! We decided to give it to Tommi, our video guru because he made the video possible. You can check it out below!

What else, as I told this Elämäntaito course started and it seemed very interesting. Oh and I also got back to football trainings, i'm so excited about that because season starts soon and I have to get fit really fast. So that's about it, see you on next Sunday!

- Miikka

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